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Learn with Reb Deb

Reb Deb serves the following communities and organizations as a teacher of Judaic/Multi-faith courses:

Look under the Virtual Programs tab for current offerings. Reb Deb will be co-teaching Part 1 of a course on the Parables of Jesus in February, 2022.

Look under the University Without Walls Judaic Studies offerings. New courses are offered several times a year. Reb Deb is currently teaching two courses (through March 3, 2022): The History of the Jewish of Spain and Blacklisted Jewish Entertainers.

Call (908)277-2120 for current courses if not listed. Reb Deb is currently teaching a course on Jewish Mysticism. (End of January/early February start up).

Look under Virtual Tab. Reb Deb teaches a monthly Mussar class (first Monday of the month from 7:30-8:30 PM) and offers a monthly Rosh Hodesh Group (day/evening sections, coinciding with Rosh Hodesh each month).

Sunday morning Adult Education with Reb Deb, on a variety of topics. Class meets on Zoom from 10:30-11:30 AM every Sunday. Contact Reb Deb for Zoom link and to register.



Rabbi Debra Smith is Published on


Visit then search “Rabbi Debra Smith” to find a variety of original rituals, prayers, and blessings for various lifecycle events,  special occasions, and holy days.


Ongoing Multi-Faith Study Group, Fridays, 10:30 – 11:30am EST


*Weekly Discussions (unless otherwise noted) about Jesus as a first century Rabbi.  *Donations are welcomed.  *Contact Rabbi Deb for the link and password.


Ongoing Adult Education


Judaism and Multi-Faith Topics including challenging conversations on Faith, Torah, Jewish Text Study, Ethics of Everyday Living, and more!


*Every Sunday, 10:30 – 11:30 EST, unless otherwise noted. *All are welcome. *Or ha Lev members may attend for free.  *Non-member tuition is $180 yearly.  *Contact Rabbi Deb for the link and password.


For information or to sign-up for any of the upcoming events, please email Rabbi Deb.

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